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12-08 20:35:11 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 小学英语作文 | 人气:661

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We had a wonderful school trip last week. We went to the most beautiful place in Xiamen -- Gulangyu Island. It is a musical island. We visited the Underwater World of Xiamen.

Friday was a nice day. The sun shined, and we arrived at the island at about 8:30. We saw a very big statue (雕塑)at the gate. It was an octopus made of metal.

It was very big inside the park. There were lots of water tanks and there were many sea animals in the tanks. There were sharks and spider crabs and turtles and clown fish and so on. Some were very kind and lovely but some were very dangerous! Then we went to the underwater tunnel. (海底隧道)It was very long, about 85 meters. Most animals there liked to eat meat, so they were big and dangerous.

We also saw the dolphin and sea lion perform(演出,表演). They could do many funny actions. And a dolphin kissed one of my schoolmates. They made all of us laugh. We enjoyed the performance very much.

After a simple lunch, we went back to school at about two o'clock in the afternoon. This school trip was really fantastic. We enjoyed it very much.


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