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12-08 20:37:47 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 六年级英语同步练习 | 人气:753

小学六年级英语语法:时态练习填空题是关于 六年级英语同步练习,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于小学六年级英语同步练习方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。


1. He __________ back a month ago. (come)

2. My mother often tells me __________ in bed. (not read)

3. I must take it back the day after tomorrow. You can only __________ it for 24 hours. (keep)

4. Why have you kept me __________ here for so long a time? (wait)

5. Please come to our meeting if you __________ free tomorrow. (be)

6. She __________ to the Great Wall several times. (go)

7. In his letter, he said that he __________ us very much. (miss)

8. The film __________ for nearly fifteen minutes when I got to the cinema. (be)

9. He said he became __________ in physics. (interest)

10. This film is worth __________. (see)

11. He went to school instead of __________ home. (go)

12. In the old days it was difficult for the poor to __________ a job. ( find)

13. It's cold outside, so you'd better __________ your coat. (put on)

14. He is hungry. Please give him something __________. (eat)

15. Please don't waste time __________ TV every evening. You should word hard at English. (watch)

16. We found the window __________. (break)

17. You have dropped your pencil. __________. (拾起它)

18. Mother often tells me __________ too late. (not come home)

19. You had better __________ by bus, or you will be late. (go)

20. I will __________ Li Ming the good news as soon as I see him.( tell)

21. Great changes __________ in our country since 1978. (take place)

22. I __________ my daughter since last month. (hear from)

23. It __________ me two days to write the article. (took)

24. Don't touch that __________ child. (sleep)

25. Every time he tried to start the car, the wheels __________ deepersintosthe mud. (sink)

26. When I got home, I found that my room __________ breaksintosand a lot of things __________. (steal)

27. If I had arrived there earlier, I __________ him. (meet)

28. I didn't remember __________ her the book before. (give)

29. He called at every door, __________ people the exciting news. (tell)

30. Yesterday Mary couldn't finish her homework, so she has to go on __________ it this afternoon. (do)

31. We __________ football when it began to rain. We had to stop and go home. (play)

32. Xiao Lin __________ from here for about two hours. (be away)

33.swheres__________? Can you find your birth place on the map?

Sorry, I can't. (be born)

34. Last night we __________ back home until the teacher left school. (not go)

35. Comrade Li Dazhao __________ in prison in 1927. (put)

36. Where is professor Lee?

He __________ to the library. He'll come back soon. (go)

37. We could not help __________ after we heard the story. (laugh)

38. Would you please __________ me an English-Chinese dictionary when you come? (bring)

39. He told me that he __________ the Great Wall the year before. (visit)

40. I'll tell him the news as soon as he __________ back. (come)

41. The boy __________ by the door is my brother. (stand)

42. Do you remember __________ the film last year? (see)

43. There __________ a physics test next Monday. (be)

44. __________ I finish my homework in class? (必须)

No, you needn't.

45. I'm sorry you've missed the last bus. It __________ ten minutes ago. (leave)



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