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12-08 20:35:11 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 小学英语作文 | 人气:526

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My winter vacation

during the winter vacation, nothing is different for my life. i wake up 11 o'clock am everyday, after a washing, i have a good lunch with my parents. next i play computer games till the time to have supper. after have dinner. i go on playing till 2 o'clock am, and then go to sleep with tired. this is one dull day of my winter vacation.

but i haven't bored all the time. sometimes i read the books, sometime i listen to the music or the radio in the bed, because it was very cold outside and snowy all the day. and i also meat some of my good friends during the vacation, we have a very long talk about the life of each other in the past year and play table tennis tegether. and i watched the spring festival party of the cctv in the last seconds of the 2004 year! i think this is the thing most people of china doing at that time.





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