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有关Help the poor的小学英语作文示例

12-08 20:35:11 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 小学英语作文 | 人气:940

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告别了放纵与自由,新学期将我们领进英语的殿堂.一切将要展开新的一页,让我们一起来阅读有关Help the poor的小学英语作文示例吧~~

Help the poor

Everytime i see poverty life when i turn over the book.i always feel unwell. Believing everybody have the seem fells.so,meybe we will think what we can do for the poor.that being so,mang people make a choice to be volunteers.It is cheering.

One day,i wached a poor child in newspapers.His sight like a knife sharped painmy heart.i have never forgoten that.idesperated do something for him.so,i thought of being a high-degree doctor to help him,but a friend of mine said that the higher achieviment the less the heart of compassion.i think it carefully,that word,is right and many people will be dusted the eyes by benefits.

Sometimes i can not helpasking myself why you not do something for the poor,what you do something for the poor.But i really do not know.who can help me,WHO CAN HELP THE POOR.

Every time i see poverty life when i turn over the book.i always feel unwell(根据作者的意思这句话最好改为Every time I see the life of the poor from books, I always feel unhappy.) Believing everybody have the seem fells(I believe everybody has the same feeling).so,meybe(maybe) we will think what we can do for the poor.that being so(改为so),mang(many) people make a choice to be volunteers.It is cheering.

One day,i wached(watched) a poor child in newspapers.His sight (加is)like a knife sharped pain(sharpening)my heart.i have never forgoten(forgotten) that.i desperated(decided to) do something for him.so,i thought of being a high-degree doctor to help him,but a friend of mine said that the higher achieviment the less the heart of compassion.i think it (over)carefully,(and)that word,is right and many people will be dusted the eyes(改用seduced) by benefits.

Sometimes i can not help asking myself why you (加do) not do something for the poor,what you do something (去掉something)for the poor.But i really do not know.who can help me,WHO CAN HELP THE POOR.



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