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12-08 20:37:47 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初一英语试卷 | 人气:396

七年级期末质量监测试题•英语是关于 初一英语试卷,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于初一英语试卷分析,初中英语学习方法大全方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。






90分钟。祝你取得优异成绩! OK,现在就开始答题吧。

一、听力 (共25分)


( )1.A.They are twenty dollars. B.It’s twenty dollars. C.They are black.

( )2.A.She is thirteen. B.It’s December 1 4th. C.She is at home.

( )3.A.Thank you. B.Here you are. C.No,I don’t.

( )4.A.At 6:30 am. B.At 14:00pm. C.At school.

( )5.A.Red and white. B.English. C.Mr Brown.


( )6.A.Yes,he can. B.No,he can’t. C.I don’t know.

( )7.A.Action movies. B.Documentaries. C.Comedies.

( )8.A.At 6:45. B.At 6:50. C.At 7:00.

( )9.A.It's October 23rd. B.It’s October 3rd C.It’s October 22nd.

( )10.A.Art. B.History. C.Science.



( )21.Tom likes computers best because he thinks ___________.

A.it is very boring

B.it is interesting

C.it can help him in his study.

( )22.John’s favorite subject is ____________.

A.art B.music C.science

( )23.___________ likes Chinese best very much.

A.David B.Mary C.Tom

( )24.Bob thinks math is __________.

A.too boring B.very interesting C.difficult

( )25.David likes __________ best.

A.doing sports B.watching TV C.going to the movies



26.There are ___________ months in a year.

27.My mother is a __________.She teaches in a school.

28.Mary’s sister wants to __________ the chess club.

29.They want to know more ___________ Chinese history.

30.___________ is the day before Wednesday.


31.Lang Lang is a very __________ (success)young pianist in China.

32.Come and see for ___________ (you)at Xinhua Clothes Store.

33.My sister brushes her ___________ (tooth)every morning.

34.My father usually __________ (watch)soccer games on TV.

35.They come back from the US on the _________ (eight)of May..


( )36.Let's play __________ basketball.I don’t like ________ the violin at home.

A.the,playing B.the,play C.×,playing D.×,plays

( )37.John’s parents go to work __________ 7:00 _________ every morning.

A.at, in B.at,at C.in,at D.at,×

( )38.My father loves swimming, __________my mother loves singing.

A.and B.but C.or D.so

( )39.September is the __________ month of a year.

A.ninth B.nineth C.nine D.ninety

( )40.一Why don’t you like history? —Because I think it's ________

A.exciting B.boring C.interesting D.scary

( )41.Do you need shoes __________ sports? We have lots of shoes _______ very good prices.

A.for:to B.for;with C.at;with D.for:at

( )42.He is a ________ singer and he can sing __________.

A.well,well B.good,well

C.well,good D.good,good

( )43.—Can I help you?

—___________.I want a blue sweater for my daughter.

A.Sorry, I Can’t B.No,thanks

C.Yes,please. D.You are welcome

( )44.一Can I have a look at your computer game? —__________.Here you are.

A.No,you can’t B.Sorry C.OK D.Right

( )45.He wants __________ shopping for the New Year’s Day.

A.go B.to go C.goes D.going

( )46.Thanks __________ the photo _________ your school.

A.for, of B.of, for C.for, about D.about,for

( )47.一Let’s go to play volleyball after class.

—That __________ great!

A.looks B.sounds C.tells D.knows

( )48.Jane doesn’t like ___________ because they are ___________

A.comedies;sad B.action movies;interesting

C.documentaries;exciting D.thrillers;scary

( )49.—____________

—Beijing Opera.

A.Do you like Beijing Opera?

B.Do you often go to school?

C.What kind of movies do you like?

D.What time is it now?

( )50.Which of the following is“do Chinese kung fu”picture?



A:Mum,look at my sweater.It’s too small.And it's old,too.

B:Yes,it is.51______________

A:Thank you.Can I go with you?

B:Come on.

(In the store)

C:Good morning.52_______________?

B:Yes,please.1 want a sweater for my son.


A:l like blue.

C:Here is a blue one.Do you like it?

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