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初二英语教学Dates, months and seasons知识点

12-08 20:41:30 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初二英语辅导 | 人气:282

初二英语教学Dates, months and seasons知识点是关于 初二英语辅导,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于初二英语复习,初中英语学习方法大全方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。

【摘要】“初二英语教学Dates, months and seasons知识点”本文是编者为大家带来的初二英语教学知识点内容,供大家参考,希望对大家的学习有所帮助:

Unit 11 Dates, months and seasons

钟祥四中 常衍亮 黄芳



1、字母n,kn读[n] 2、字母ng读[N]或[Ng]

3、字母nk,nc读[Nk] 4、字母th读[W]或[T]


1 write down写下,记下 2 come out发芽,长出 3 all the year round一年到头 4 at this time of year一年的这个时候 5 turn green变绿,转绿 6 in spring在春天 7 be different from 与……不同


1、Which is the second month of the year?一年的第二个月是几月?

2、When is spring/summer/autumn/winter in China? 中国的春/夏/秋/冬是什么时候?

3、What is the date today? It’s December 20th, 2003. 今天是几月几号?是2003年12月20日。

4、What’s the weather like in spring in your hometown? 你家乡春天的天气怎么样?

5、Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?



2、表示时间的介词in, on和at的用法。



Lesson 41


(一) The months of the year

January February March April May June July August September October November December


1、Which is the second month of the year?

2、What day is it today?

3、What’s the date today?



be from, last from, from…to…


1、When is summer in China? It lasts from June to August.

2、What was the date yesterday? It was November the twentieth, two thousand and three.


Step 1: Ask the students to answer the following questions like

Whats the date today?

Step 2: Listening

I SB page 51, part 3 and request students to master how to answer the questions like: What day was it yesterday?

Step 3: Practise the dialogue many times until most of the students can answer the questions correctly.



1、He was the _________(one) to come to school this morning.

2、The _________(two) skirt looks very nice.

3、December is the _______(twelve) month in a year.

4、The spring in China ______(last) only a few months.

5、______(eight) is a lucky number, I think.

Answers: 1 first 2 second 3 twelfth 4 lasts 5 Eight


1、________is New Year’s Day.

2、________is Wemen’s Day.

3、________is International Labour Day.

4、________is Children’s Day.

5、________is Teachers’ Day.

6、________is Christmas Day.

Answers: 1 January lst 2 March 8th 3 May 1st 4 June 1st 5 September 1oth 6 December 25th



Lesson 42



ask…about…, get warm/long, turn green, come out, be good for, go swimming/skating, help…with/do, enjoy doing…, all the year round


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