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12-08 20:42:33 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初三英语同步练习 | 人气:210

初三上册英语易错题整理是关于 初三英语同步练习,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于初三英语同步练习大全,初三英语学习方法大全方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。



1、( C ) I don't know          to do with the maths problem. It's too hard.

A. which        B. how        C. what        D. when

2、( D ) What is she          her neighbour ?

A. quarreled with             B. quarrelling with

C. quarreled about with        D. quarrelling about with

3、( C ) He lives on the          house and sometimes he feels

A. alone , lonely     B. lonely , alone     C. lonely , lonely     D. alone , alone

4、( C ) Can you spend          explaining it          me ?

A. some time , for             B. some times , for

C. some time , to              D. sometime , to

5、( C ) He looks much          because he eats          than before .

A. healthy , healthier           B. healthier , healthily

C. healthier , more healthily     D. healthily , healthily

6、( C ) --- What do you call it in English ?

--- It's a knife , it is used          cutting things .

A. to      B. by      C. for      D. with

7、( C ) There is          water left , you may drink it .

A. little    B. a bit      C. a little      D. a lot

8、( B ) I enjoy English ,          it takes me a lot of time .

A. if      B. though      C. beacuse      D. for

9、( C ) Please your eyes          , let's play a game .

A. opening      B. closing      C. closed      D. close

10、( B ) He left the room          I could say something to him .

A. until      B. while      C. before      D. during


1、My pen friend  hasn't replied  (reply) to me for a long time yet .

2、J.L. Likes children very much. She  is writing  (write) another children's book these days.

3、If you go to a hospital , you   aren't allowed  (allow) to smoke there .

4、Mother had no choice but  to accept  (accept) her friend's invitation .

5、Look! How terribly he is coughing ! He  is suffering  (suffer) from a bad cold these days.

6、My father  was replying  (reply) to a telephone when I got home .

7、I'm not very interested in it because it's the second time I  have seen  (see) it .

8、How many months  is   a year   divided  (divide) into ?

9、I feel even  sleepier  (sleep) today than yesterday .

10、I'm not sure if his advice is   more valuable  (value) than any other piece .

11、My friend Kitty seems to be always  energetic  (energy) and active .

12、Were your parents  satisfied  (satisfy) with your English names ?

13、I hope Yi Jianlian will be chosen  successfully  (success) as a member of NBA.

14、His mother is much  stricter  (严厉)than his father .

15、I'm often  offered  (提供) some money .



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