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12-08 20:46:07 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初中英语听力 | 人气:828

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[00:00.00]Unit 7 What does he look like?

[00:12.23]SECTION A Activity 1b.Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture above.

[00:35.11]Activity 2a.Listen and circle "is" or "has" below.

[01:25.81]Activity 2b.Listen again.Fill in the chart.

[02:16.83]Activity 3a.Read the descriptions of the four classmates.

[02:23.02]Match them with the pictures.

[02:25.63]1.WangLin is the captain of the basketball team.

[02:32.82]He's tall and he has a medium build.

[02:37.13]He has short,straight hair.WangLin is very popular.

[02:44.83]2.Ma Yan is thin and medium height.

[02:50.32]She has short,blonde,curly hair.

[02:54.42]She's good-looking but she's a little bit quiet.

[02:59.72]3.XuQian loves to tell jokes.She's short and a little bit heavy.

[03:08.42]She has beautiful,long,black,hair.

[03:11.43]She never stops talking!

[03:14.22]4.LiuPeng is a good student.He's very tall.

[03:23.42]He has curly,brown hair and a medium build.

[03:28.30]He likes reading and playing chess.

[03:32.40]SECTION B Activity 2a.

[03:42.69]Listen and write Johnny Dean's and Tina Brown's jobs in the chart.

[04:33.29]Activity 2b.Listen again.What do Johnny and Tina look like?

[04:39.59]Complete the chart.

[05:28.59]Activity 3a.Read the magazing article about Johnny Dean.

[05:34.50]What did Johnny look like before?What does he look like now?

[05:39.49]Fill in the blanks in the chart.

[05:42.70]Johnny Dean's New Look!Do you remember Johnny Dean,

[05:49.00]the rock singer with funny glasses and long curly hair?

[05:53.70]Well,now he has a new look.He doesn't have long,curly hair.

[06:00.59]He has short,straight hair.And he doesn't wear glasses.

[06:06.39]But some pople don't like his new look.

[06:10.60]"I don't think he's so great,"Says Ruth Lai from New York.

[06:17.29]Activity 3b.Look at the pictures of Gloria Green.

[06:25.88]Then fill in the blanks in the article.

[06:29.36]Gloria Green,winner of the Pop Singer of the Year Award,has a new look.

[06:35.23]She doesn't have___.She has___.And she doesn't wear___and a ___.

[06:43.62]She wears___and___."It's great,"she says,

[06:49.63]"I can go shopping,and nobody knows me."

[06:53.23]Words and Expressions in unit 7



[07:05.93]look like






























[08:05.36]a little bit





























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