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12-08 20:46:07 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初中英语完形填空 | 人气:875

初中英语完形填空自测是关于 初中英语完形填空,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于初中英语完形填空大全方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。


Miss Richards was a teacher at a school for boys and girls. She __1 chemistry and physics from the lowest to the highest classes in the __2 . Sometimes the new classes 3 rapidly, but sometimes they were very 4 , and then Miss Richards had to 5 things many times.

One year, the first class had been studying chemistry for several __6_ when Miss Richards suddenly asked, "What is water? Who knows? 7__ up?"

There was silence (沉默) for a few seconds, and Miss Richards felt sad (难过), but then one boy 8 his hand.

"Yes, Dick?" said Miss Richards encouragingly (鼓励地). He was not one of the brightest children in the class, so she was 9 that he could answer.

"Water is a liquid which has no 10 until you wash your hands in it, Miss. Then it turns black," the boy replied with great confidence (信心).

1. A. teaches B. teaching C. taught D. teach

2. A. schooling B. school C. schools D. home

3. A. learned B. learning

C. had been learned D. were learned

4. A. slow B. being slow C. slowly D. slowest

5. A. repeated B. repeating C. do D. repeat

6. A. years B. minutes C. weeks D. seconds

7. A. Put B. Hands C. Get D. Look

8. A. lows B. ride C. raised D. put

9. A. sad B. glad C. angry D. hungry

10. A. colour B. colourful C. colourless D. with colour




1. C。与首句一致,用一般过去时。

2. B。教物理和化学,当然在学校。

3. A。接受知识快可用learn rapidly来表达。

4. A。slow指接受知识慢。

5. D。had to 后面跟动词原形。

6. C。从时间长度来看用weeks。

7. B。hands up 意思是“举手”。

8. C。raise one’s hand= put up one’s hand。

9. B。有前句推知,应用glad。

10. A。用名词作宾语,故选colour。


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