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12-08 20:07:59 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 中考英语阅读理解 | 人气:268

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I think the most terrible thing in life for my little brother is getting up in the morning. He is almost sick when my mother calls, "Herbert! It's seven o'clock! Get up!"

Herbert answers, "I'm coming!" and goes right back to sleep. I'm not at all like my brother. I don't like to go to bed at night but I don't mind getting up in the morning. I usually wake up before my mother calls me. I jump out of bed and go into the bathroom to take a shower. I get dressed, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and get ready to go downstairs for breakfast as soon as my mother calls.

But not Herbert. He just sleeps. A military band (军乐队) in our bedroom could not wake him up. I call him and say, "Get up! Mum will be up here to pull you out of bed if you don't get up immediately!"

But he just sleeps. After calling a few more times my mother has to come upstairs and pull Herbert out of bed. It's that way every day with my little brother. Perhaps some day he'll learn to get up on time, but I really don't think so.

True or False

1. The most terrible thing in life for my little brother is going to school.

2. I'm not like my brother because I like to go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning.

3. I usually jump out of bed and go into the bathroom for a shower before my mother calls.

4. When mother calls, Herbert doesn't answer and remains in bed.

5. My mother often has to go upstairs and pull Herbert out of bed as he refuses to get up.

6. Sometimes we have to send for a military band to wake Herbert up.

7. The writer thinks some day Herbert will learn to get up on time.

Key: 1-7. F T T F T F F



In England, people often talk about the weather because they can experience (经历) four seasons in one day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later black clouds come and then it rains hard. The weather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be sunny, the sun will begin to shine, and it will be summer at this time of a day.

In England, people can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in winter they can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes they should take warm clothes.

When you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella (伞)or a raincoat with them in the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at them.

If you don't take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret (后悔) later in the day.

1. Why do people in England often talk about the weather?

A. Because they may have four seasons in one day

B. Because they often have very good weather

C. Because the weather is warm just like in spring

D. Because the sky is sunny all day

2. From the story we know that when _________come, there is a heavy rain.

A. sunshine and snow B. black clouds

C. summer and winter D. spring and autumn

3. "People can also have summer in winter." Means "it is sometimes too ______in winter."

A. warm B. cool C. cold D. rainy

4. In the sunny morning some English people usually take a raincoat or an umbrella with them because ________.

A. their friends ask them to do so B. it often rains in England

C. they are going to sell them D. they are their favourite things

5. The best title (标题)for this passage is ________.

A. Bad Seasons B. Summer or Winter

C. The Weather in England D. Strange English People





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