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12-08 20:24:32 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 五年级英语试卷 | 人气:561

小学2017年英语五年级下册期中测试题是关于 五年级英语试卷,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于小学五年级英语试卷,小学英语试卷分析方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。





1、A eat breakfast B eat lunch C eat dinner

2、A evening B morning Cnoon

3、A weekend B when C work

4、A usually B often C sometimes

5、A play sports Bplay football C play the piano

6、A October B November C December

7、A fourth B fifth C ninth

8、A go hiking B get up C go shopping

9、A season B spring C summer

10、A skate Bsleep Cswim


1、 A、 I get up at 6:00.

B 、I go to school at 7:00.

C、 I play sports at 4:00.

2、 A I often go hiking.

B I am a policeman.

C、 You’re welcome.

3、 A、It’s sunny and warm

B、I can play with snow

C、I like spring best.

4、A、I can skate.

B、I like summer.

C、I can swim.

5、 A Because I can swim.

B Because I can skate.

C Because I can make a snowman.

6、 A My birthday is in June.

B Her birthday is in June.

C His birthday is in June.

7、 A His birthday is in May.

B Her birthay is in May.

C She is my teacher.

8、 A June 9th.

B It’s in June.

C Who has a birthday in June?

9、 A I am making a birthday card.

B Let’s make a birthday card.

C Here’s the birthday card.

10、 A It’s warm.

B It’s hot.

C It’s cold.


Activity Namego hikingfly kitesplay sportsclimb mountainsplay the piano



Zhang Peng


Chen Jie


There are four s in a year.They are summer andwinter.I like summer

. I can swim in the sea.


笔 答 部 分


1、play May 2 pear near

3、 hair chair 4 ear deer

5、 dear wear


1 you do on the weekend?

A When B What C Which

2、 you do morning exercises?

At 8:30.

A What Bwhen Cwhich

3 Season do you like best?

A What Bwhen Cwhich

4 When is Grandma’s birthday?

Birthday is in November.

A My Byour C her

5 What’s the date today?

A March B March 12th C My birthday is in March.


1、 when you eat do dinner?

2、 but favourite my is season fall.

3、 because can I long sleep a time.

4、 Bill’s Uncle is June in birthday.

5、 is in June birthday her?


When do you eat breakfast? I like summer best.

Which season do you like best? My birthday is in

When is your birthday? Because I can fly kites.

Why do you like spring? It’s June 9th.

What’s the date? I eat breakfast at 7:00.


Amy: Today is John’s birthday. Let’s give him a gift.

Mike: How about a basketball? He likes sports.

Amy :It’s too expensive.Let’s make a birthday card for him.

Mike:OK.When is your birthday,Amy?

Amy:My birthday is in February.

Mike:When is your birthday,Sarah?

Sarah:My birthday is in March.

Amy and Sarah:Why do you ask our birthdays?

Mike:I can make birthday cards fof you,then!

1、Amy’s birthday is in March.

2、Sarah’s birthday is in February.

3、Today is John’s birthday.

4、They give John abasketball.

5、John likes sports.


1、通常 2、上英语课 3、叔叔 4、中午 5、种树 6、购物 7、有时候 8、睡觉 9、滑冰 10、爬山


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