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一、 听写单词,每格一个单词。(共10分)

二、 听句子,选出你听到的单词或词组。(10分)

( ) 1. A.7:30 B. 8:30 C.7:13

( ) 2. A. eat breakfast B. eat lunch C. eat dinner

( ) 3. A. go hiking B. go shopping C. go fishing

( ) 4. A. spring B. summer C. fall

( ) 5. A. fly kites B. plant trees C. make a snowman

( ) 6. A. March B. May C. April

( ) 7. A. pianot B. football C. ball

( ) 8. A. first B. second C. third

( ) 9. A. drinking B. eating C. having

( ) 10. A. nice B. sweet C. good

三、 听上句,选择正确的下句。(共10分)

( ) 1. A. She‘s cleaning the desk. B. I’m washing the desk.

( ) 2. A. I‘m playing football. B. I visit my grandparents.

( ) 3. A. No, his isn’t. B. Yes, he is.

( ) 4. A. Yes, she can. B. Yes, she can‘t.

( ) 5. A. No, they don’t. B. Yes, they are.

( ) 6. A. I like spring best. B. It‘s windy and warm.

( ) 7. A. In spring. B. October 4th.

( ) 8. A. Because I can swim. B. Yes, I can swim.

( ) 9. A. She is a student. B. She is making a birthday card.

( ) 10. A. She’s in the classroom. B. Yes, he‘s in the classroom.

四、 听对话,选择正确 的答案。(共10分)

( ) 1. A. John often plays football on the weekend.

B. John often cleans his room on the weekend.

( ) 2. A. Sarah likes winter best.

B. Sarah likes summer best.

( ) 3. A. Chen Jie is reading a book.

B. Chen Jie is drawing pictures.

( ) 4. A. The baby elephant is walking.

B. The baby elephant is running.

( ) 5. A. My classmates are catching butterflies.

B. My classmates are picking up leaves.


( ) 1. It’s a sunny day.

( ) 2. Chen Jie is collecting leaves.

( ) 3. Mike is reading a newspaper.

( ) 4. Zhang Pang and John are playing chess.

( ) 5. WuYifan is drawing a picture of ants.


一、 在横线上填入一个单词勤短语,使兔子意思通顺连贯。(共10分)

1. When do you ____________________________________.

2. I usually __________________ at 9:50 in the evening.

3. What your favourite____________________________________?

4. Uncle Bill‘s birthday is in __________________.

5. I am ____________________________________.

6. It’s ______________________________________________.

7. Is he ________________________________________.

8. Where are my ____________________________________?

9. They are ____________________________________.

10. Why do you like____________________________________?


1.January(简写形式)    2.September(简写形式)

3.second(基数词)    4.first(基数词)

5. fly(ing形式)    6.swim(ing形式)

7.leaf(复数形式)       8. kite(复数形式)

9. go(ing形式)       10.trun(ing形式)


( ) 1. I have a __________________.

A. pen B. pencil-boxes C. pencils

( ) 2. This is __________________duck.

A. my B. an C. you

( ) 3.He‘s __________________ an e-mail.

A. writing B. write C. written

( ) 4. __________________ they playing sports?

A. are B. is C. am

( ) 5. Cousin Alice’s birthday is __________________ April.

A. at B. in C. on

( ) 6. Winter __________. Zoom and Zip don‘t skate. They sleep.

A. coming B. come C. comes

( ) 7. I play football at 3:00__________________the afternoon.

A. on B. for C. in

( ) 8. I’m making a birthday cake for ______________family.

A. we B. us C. our

( ) 9. Is he watching ants? No, he__________________.

A. is B. isn‘t C. doesn’t

( ) 10. Can pandas swim? Yes, they __________________.

A. can‘t B. could C. can


( )1. 当对方在电话时Hello, 你应该这样回答:_____________。

A. Hello, I’m Nina. B. Hello, this is Nina.

( )2. 当对方问你:“what do you do?”你应该回答:_________。

A. I‘m working. B. I’m a worker.

( )3. 当你问别人“你正在干什么?”,应该说:_____________。

A. What is he doing? B. What are you doing?

( )4. 当你问别人“你喜欢的季节是什么?”应该说:_______。

A. What‘s your like season? B. What’s your favourite season?

( )5. 当别人问你“What‘s the dog doing?”,你应该回答:_____。

A. He’s play football. B. He‘s playing football.

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