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七年级下册Moduel 7 Unit 2测试题

12-08 20:10:41 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初一英语试卷 | 人气:649

七年级下册Moduel 7 Unit 2测试题是关于 初一英语试卷,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于初一英语试卷分析,初中英语学习方法大全方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。

 初一在整个初中阶段很重要,有扎实的基础,会使学习更加轻松。下面就为您推荐内容 七年级下册Moduel 7 Unit 2测试题 。希望您学习成绩突飞猛进。

七年级下册Moduel 7 Unit 2测试题


1. The Shanghai-Pudong ________ goes from Shanghai Station to Pudong Airport _________ eight minutes.

2. The journey from Shanghai Station to Pudong Airport _________ about 30 minutes _________ car.

3. More than 32 million __________ travel __________ British Airway planes every year.

4. Boeing 747 goes __________ London ___________ Beijing, a __________ of over 8,000 km in nine and a half hours.

5. The most famous ferry in the world is the _________ __________.

You can buy a ticket either __________ the station or __________ the train.


1. British Airways is one of the _________ (busy) international _________ (airline).

2.Tom is one of the ________ ( interesting) _________ (boy) in the class.

3. ______ (hundred) of students ride the Greyhound Bus in America.

4. Your car travels _________ (fast) than _________ ( I ).

5. There are two ________ (million) visitors ________ (go) there every year.


1. 公共汽车票不贵,可在公共汽车站买。

The bus _______ aren’t expensive and you can buy a ticket _______ the _______ _______.

2. 乘公共汽车旅行最安全最便宜,所以每年数百万美国人采用此方式旅行。

It’s the _______ and _______ way to travel by bus, so every year _______ ________ Americans go by bus.

3. 从上海火车站到蒲东机场怎样走最舒适?

What’s _______ ________ ________ way to get from Shanghai Station to Pudong ________?

4. 从天津开发区到大连最有趣的旅行方式是乘火车。

It is the ________ ________ ________ to get from TEDA to Dalian by train.

Unit 2答案

一、1. express , in 2. takes, by 3. passengers , on 4. from , to , distance

5. Star Ferry 6. at ; on

二、1. busiest , airlines 2. most interesting , boys 3. Hundreds 4. faster , mine

5. million , going

三、1. fares , at , bus stop 2. safest , cheapest , millions of 3. the most comfortable , Airport 4. most interesting way


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