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Unit 3 Our senses教案

12-08 20:37:47 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初一英语教案 | 人气:448

Unit 3 Our senses教案是关于 初一英语教案,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于七年级下册英语教案,七年级下英语教案,七年级上册英语教案方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。

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 Unit 3 Our senses教案

教学目标1. 知识目标 学生能够复习掌握以下方位介词:in, on, under, beside, behind, in front of,between, next to, in the middle of, on the left/right of

2. 能力目标 a. 学生学会读懂平面图。 b. 学会在听力过程中使用缩写进行速记。 3. 文化目标 让学生了解电台访谈节目的形式。



教具准备Some multi-media cards and tape- recorder

程Part A Following directions: labeling a floor plan

Step 1 Pre-listening

a. show some prepositions to the students. b. Show the students a picture, ask the following questions: Who is in the lift? Who sits next to Jack? Where is Lucky? c. make a presentation about Listening tips. Step 2 While-listening

a. Play the tape and ask the students to finish Excise A1 b. Play the tape again and finish Excise A2. c. Check the answers. Step 3 Post-listening

Ask the students to describe the floor plan of school.

Part B A radio programme

Step 1 Pre-listening

a. Show a picture to the students. b. Ask the students: What programme is the boy listening to? How does he like it? Step 2 While-listening

a. Play the tape. b. Ask the students: Can blind people hear better than other people? When do blind people need help? Why are many deaf people often unable to speak? How do deaf people communicate with each other? c. Check the answers. Step 3 Post-listening

Ask the students to underline the useful expressions in the passage.



七年级英语上册Starter Unit 5单元复习学案 

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