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12-08 20:07:59 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 中考英语模拟题 | 人气:130

2017年仁爱版中考上册英语月考试卷是关于 中考英语模拟题,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于中考英语模拟题大全,中考英语复习资料大全方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。



(    )1-I broke my new pen yesterday.


A.What a shame!   B.Not at all.

C.That's right.   D.You're welcome.

(    )2.Our school will play        No.4 Middle school .I think we'll win.Please cheer us

A.with,on  B.against,on  C.against ,up   D.on,against

(    )3.Michael Phelps is        active young man from the U.S.A

A.a          B.an       C.the          D./

(    )4.-Would you mind        the room?

-Certainly not.I'll do it right away.

A.clean        B.cleaned   C.cleaning   D.to clean

(    )5.It's too late.Don't keep him       for you so long.

A.Wait      B.waits     C.to wait      D.waiting

(    )6.-I think you wil do       next time.

-I think so.

A.Good        B.better     C.best     D.the best

(    )7.-I'm sorry for       I said.

-It does't matter.

A.how       B.which       C.what      D.where

(    )8.-Do you like playing football?

-Yes.And       young people are good at playing football.

A.many and many             B.much and much

C.little and little               D.more and more


(    )9.-I'm sorry I broke your pen.Let me buy you a new one.

--_______.I have another one.

A.Never mind. B.You're welcome.  C.Thanks.   D.OK.

(    )10.-Hi, I'm Xiao Li. I'm very glad to        friends       you.

-Me, too. I'm Xiao Wang.

A.get;like   B.make;with    C.get;with    D.make;to




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