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12-08 20:07:59 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 中考英语模拟题 | 人气:916

2017年七年级上册英语期中试题是关于 中考英语模拟题,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于中考英语模拟题大全,中考英语复习资料大全方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。






1. L (   )    2. P (   )    3. CD (   )    4. UFO (   )   5. BBC (   )

A. 停车(区)     B. 英国广播公司

C. 不明飞行物     D. 激光唱片     E. 大号

四、单项选择 (20分)

(    ) 1. 选出字母顺序正确的一项:

A. r s t v u w            B. r s t u v w          C. r t s u v w

(    ) 2. What’s this      English?

A. an               B. on              C. in

(    ) 3. She has an       .

A. map             B. oranges          C. uncle

(    )4.  Are ______ her parents?

A. this              B. these            C. she

(    ) 5. ---Is this a key?   --- ______.

A. No, it isn’t.        B. It’s a ruler       C. Yes, it’s.

(    )6. Your jacket is very (非常) beautiful (漂亮).

A. Where?           B. No.            C. Thank you.

(    ) 7. Which is right (正确)?

A. These is my books.  B. Are they your pen?

C. Are those his rulers?--Yes, they are.

(    )8. --- Good morning, class!

---                     !

A. Hello   B. Good morning, Li Lei    C. Good morning, Mr. Zhang

(    )9. --- Hello,        .--- Hi, Lucy.

A. Mr. Green    B. Green Mr.    C. Mr. Tonny   D. Green Tonny

(    )10. --- Nice to meet you!     ---

A. Good morning!    B. Hello!    C. Nice to meet you, too!

(    )11. --- How do you do?---

A. Fine. Thank you.    B. How do you do?    C. Good.

(    )12. --- Sit down, please! ---                   .

A. Hello.    B. You sit down.    C. Thank you!

(    )13. This is        English book and that is          Chinese book.

A. an; a     B. the; the      C. a; an

(    )14. ---          is the pen? --- It's black        red.

A. What color; and     B. How color; and     C. What color; or

(    )15. ---       ? --- Yes. W-A-T-C-H watch.

A. Is it a watch          B. Can you spell watch

C. How do you spell watch

(    )16.         are my cousins, and           is my brother.

A. This; that      B. These; those      C. Those; that

(    )17. I have two friends. _______are peter and Sandy.

A. He     B.You     C. They

(    )18.This is a cat. _____name is  Miaomiao.

A. my      B.Its       C.It’s

(    )19.---- Are _______her books?

-----No, they are Jenny’s.

A. this    B.that     C.those

(    )20.---_________,Jane, Is this your key?

---Yes,it is.Thank you.

A. Excuse I   B.Good    C.Excuse me

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