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《How’s the weather in Ellia》教学纪实与评析

12-08 20:24:32 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 小学英语课堂实录 | 人气:855

《How’s the weather in Ellia》教学纪实与评析是关于 小学英语课堂实录,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于小学英语教学大全,小学英语教学方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。
教学内容:EEC Primary EnglishGrade 5Lesson 6Part 3.
  1.Sing a song.
  2.Free talk between the teacher and students.
  Step2Leading in the class
  T: What season is it now?
  S: Spring.
  T: Is it sunny?
  S: Yes.
  T: Is it warm?
  S: Yes.
  T: How’s the weather today?
  S: It’s sunny and warm.
  T: TodayLet’s talk the topic about the weather.
  T: Let’s see a weather forecast, please remember some words.(Using CAI , study some new words about the weather sunny , hot , warm , cool , cold , cloudy , rainy , foggy , dust stormy , thunder stormy .)
  T: We have known some signs of the weather. Now I have so many signs of the weather , they are so nice , do you like them ?
  S: Yes.
  T: OK, Let’s have a small test, can you say them ? (Ask the students to look at the signs and say the words sunny , foggy , cloudy...etc , and the teacher stick the signs on the blackboard.)
  T: Let’s see the weather forecast. How’s the weather in Hongkong?
  S: It’s hot and rainy.
  T: Now, please answer .How’s the weather in Chongqing?
  S: It’s rainy and hot.
  T: Now please fill in the forms between the two students.
  S1:How’s the weather in Guangzhou?
  S2: It’s rainy and hot.How’s the weather in Harbin?
  S1: It’s snowy and cold.
  S3: How’s the weather in Chengdu?
  S4: It’s foggy, sunny and hot. How’s the weat

  www.jiaoxue51.com her in Shenyang?
  S3: It’s cool and cloudy.
  T: What season is it now?
  S: Summer.
  T: How’s the weather in summer?
  S1: It’s hot.
  S2: It’s rainy.
  T: Do you like summer?
  S3: Yes.
  T: I like summer, too. Because I can swim in summer.What sport do you do in summer?
  S4: I like to go to the beach in summer.
  T: Do you often go to the beach?
  S5: Yes.
  S6: I like swimming in summer.
  T: Are you good at swimming?
  S7: Yes.
  T:In different season, we do different sport.Now I will give every group some cards about season , weather and sport. Please pick up the correct cards and stick them on the big paper. Then show it to us and describe your picture.(Show their pictures and describe it.)
  S1: It’s winter. It’s cold and sunny. In winter , I can skate .
  S2: Sometimes it’s snowy, I often make a snowman with my friends.
  S3: It’s fall. In fall, the leaves are yellow, I like fall, because it’s cool.
  S4: In fall, I fly a kite with my parents. I play baseball , too.

  S5: What season is it?
  S6: It’s summer.
  S5: How’s the weather in summer?
  S6: It’s very hot. I like swimming very much. I also go to the beach and go fishing with my father.
  Step6Home work
  AskthestudentstowatchCCTV’sweatherforecast, writedown fivecities’ weatherforecastinEnglish.
  Encourage the students in their English study.
  Say goodbye to everyone.

  新:即教师的理念新。首先教师创造性地使用教材,体现了新的教材观,没有惟书是从,以教材为载体、媒介重新组合,拓展了表示天气的dust stormy,foggy,thunder stormy等几个词语,为后面语言知识运用与实践做好了铺垫。其次无论是课前图标以及表示天气状况的英文单词还是课中的调查、采访及课后作业,都培养了学生收集信息和处理信息的能力。最可贵之处是教师以人为本,教学活动的设计从学生的年龄特点和认知规律出发,语言知识的学习来源于生活、服务于生活。

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